Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Parental Favoritism

Please take a look picture below... do u know what is it or what felt is it?Parents a.k.a Orang Tua a.k.a ibu, ayah, mamah, papah, bunda, ayah, umi, abi, abah, ambu, & sebutan lain bagi orang tua yang ada di seluruh dunia ini...

Have u ever think that ur child is like a mirror of urself while ure young?

so, if ur childs either make mistakes or just a simply oblivion.. please, accept it than try to understand why they act/do like that. it's not wise if ur just open up ur mouth then shout to the childs, tell them what they have to do inapplicable ways. try to tell them in appropiate way, although it's hard.

if u make a mistake then u shoud appologize to the childs also. i can't understand to the parents who still run such an old method in raising their children. ya, maybe they do like that because in the past, they also treat like that by their parents. but c'mon please try to grow up.. This time is different with the past.

Ada beberapa artikel (1) yang menarik tentang PF - 'Parental Favoritsm' yang ditulis kembali oleh: Josh Foster & (Preferring one child over another.seperti terkutip "There are several additional factors that predict favoritism, one of which is birth order: parents favor first- and last-born children over middle children. This occurs in part because middle children will never be the only child living at home - at some point first-borns and last-borns will have their parents all to themselves. Overall, first-borns get the most privileges and last-borns receive the most parental affection."hmhmhm... well, ternyata gak semuanya bener juga bahwa yang 'Last Born' itu bakalan dapet kasih sayang yang paling banyak a.k.a. dimanja. malah terjadi juga bahwa orang tua lebih mem-push anak bontot mereka supaya mengikuti keinginan mereka, kalo tidak dituruti dengan segera, ortu tsb pasti lgsung marah2, kenapa begini, kenapa begitu, dll.. kalo si bungsu menjawab a.k.a. memberi penjelasan... maka sang ortu pun dengan segera menampiknya dengan alasan: dibilangin ko malah ngejawab. "What...!!!" dlm hati si the 'LB' (baca: Last Born :D hahah). tapi beda kasusnya kalo hal tersebut terjadi kepada si FB ato MB (baca: First Born , Middle Born :D).. ketika mereka menjawab, yup ortu akan lebih cenderung untuk lebih mendengarkan mereka... hmhmh.. lagi2 ini merukan salah satu bentuk PF mereka.

"The causes of the favoritism, however, are a bit different once the children become adults. Parents still favor daughters and less deviant children, but they also give preference to children who live closer, share the parents' values, and, not surprisingly, have provided the parents with emotional or financial support." ini kutipan ada benernya juga kali ya... terkait kasus diatas dimana in reality terkadang FB itu lebih dibanding LB.. masuk akal juga sih..

Terlepas dari betul ato tidaknya aplikasi PF di masyarakat kita maupun worldwide, ini salah satu faktanya: Nearly all parents worry about whether they play favorites. But even when parents vow to treat their children equally, they soon find that this is just not possible. Every child is different and parents must respond to their unique characteristics appropriately.

That's what i am trying to tell about.. Although ure parents already, please BE GROW UP Mr & Mrs...

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